Thursday, January 20, 2011

People disconnected in 2010


According to USA today, people being not attention when you talk to them because they are busy with their mobile phones. Also their attention and the way how they talk is shifted a little bit to the way how they dealing in social networks. There is a big issue related to human behavior, USA today reported by Robert Kraut. He is a social psychologist in Carnegie Mellon University. He said, the attention is divided by electronic and the people who in front, which reduces the quality of the relationship between people. The using of mobile phone increases the strong of the relationship, USA today added. These two views show us that the connection is a disconnection, the user must balance and not take the modern communication as the only way to connect with the people. The article shows important perspective which is the psychology perspective because it is related directly and indirectly to human behavior.

My View

I read many articles talk about the impact of social networks. All the articles focus on the negative effects, one of the articles talk about the impact of the human behavior in helping to each other by using the social networks even the people shifted to social networks. So the disconnection among the people affect also negatively in both real world and online.

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